Friday, October 5, 2012

Fire Prevention Starts at Home

Fire prevention starts at home with children. A child who is coached and taught proper fire prevention and safety has a better chance of surviving should the unthinkable happen. Children should recognize the sound of a smoke alarm and know what to do when they hear it. Teach them to get outside quickly and crawl low if there is smoke. When it comes to opening doors, teach children to touch doors with the back of your hand before opening. If it is hot, use an alternative exit and never go back into the building for a pet or toy. Teach the child if their clothes catch on fire to immediately stop, drop to the ground, and roll back and forth quickly to extinguish the flames.
Keep matches and lighters out of reach of children and keep candles and gasoline out of reach of children. When in the kitchen, keep children away from cooking and heating appliances. Never leave the kitchen while cooking. Remove anything that could catch fire away from the stovetop. Cook with pots and pans on the back burners with handles away from the front and edges of the stove.
Sometimes children are scared of a firefighter and may hide from them during a fire. Take time to tour your local fire station so children can see a firefighter in full gear so they know that they are there to help them. For more fire safety and prevention tips, visit The American Red Cross of Southwestern NY is a United Way agency. 

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